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DVDFab Meta Info Seckilling has ended!

Seckill Amazon Gift Card with 1 FC

FC, short for Fab Coin, is the score you gain by successfully uploading meta data in DVDFab Meta Info and also the symbol showing you are meta contributor. With it, you are empowered to seckill Amazon Gift Card we offer monthly. The Seckilling will be held on the first day of each month , just stay stunned for it.


Each FC owner can only seckill one Amazon Gift Card. The Amazon Gift Card is of limited stock, early birds catch the worms. Users who failed in the seckilling this round can try their luck in the next round.


Choose the Amazon Gift Card or coupon you are qualified to seckill and tap the Seckill button -> Type your valid receiving E-mail address -> Waiting for the response from server

Note: Once you are succeed in the seckiing, you will receive a confirmation letter from us. Our customer service staff will contact with you for the delivery.


Latest Winners


1. Amazon Gift Card seckilling with FC held once each month, please keep your eyes on it.

2. Users who are not qualified for seckilling can upload more meta data in DVDFab Meta Info to win FCs, and participate in seckilling when FCs reaches to the seckilling floor.

3. A valid receiving E-mail address for participating in seckilling is very necessary, and a commonly used E-mail address is highly recommended.

4. You will receive a code or confirmation letter of Amazon Gift Card after succeeding in the seckilling. If not, please check your spam box first. If there is still nothing in it, please contact with us.

5. DVDFab reserves the final explanation.






